Sunday, November 3, 2013

Gobblin' Good Books Fan Turkey Project

I can't believe I'm talking about Turkeys! I know my students weren't quite ready to think turkey yet either... We did this project the day after Halloween. When I told them what we were doing, a kiddo yelled out "I get it! Like a goblin!" Hmmmmmmmm. Not what I was going for :)

Anywho, whether you think they're "gobblin'" or "goblin" I think they turned out pretty cute if I do say so myself.

 I had all the kiddos recommend a book or series that they are reading. The "Ready Freddy" series and "Rainbow Magic" series were popular choices.

Here's some helpful hints for making these...
Fan paper size: I took construction paper and cut it in half.
I gave the kids about 5 different color options to mix and match.
I let them choose if they wanted to accordion fold 3 or 4 pieces of paper. (4 makes a fuller fan, but it's a lot of folding)
After they were done folding, I gave them a rubber band to keep the pieces together at the bottom. (I tried stapling, but even my Paper Pro couldn't go through that much paper)

Next I had them glue the edges between the pieces together so there weren't spaces.

Here's the template I made for the turkey body. Use them as tracers or just copy onto brown cardstock. Click to download for free!
Attaching the body of the Turkey was a little tricky. I don't recommend normal glue... it doesn't adhere to rubber bands so well. This is what I used...
It's some sort of awesome sticky foam that 3M makes and it works great! I actually use it for many other things as well. Someone gifted two rolls of it to me and I'm going to go on a HUNT to find more when I run out! Anywho... I digress...
Action shot of the sticky foam on the back of the turkey body. In case you don't have awesome sticky foam, I tried it with hot glue too and that worked just as well.

Finally, have the kiddos decorate their turkey face with gobblers, beaks (we like pop up ones) and add some googly eyes. Then BAM! You have a fan turkey.

Happy November!
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