Saturday, April 4, 2015

Spring in 2nd Grade Means... Flat Stanley!

It's that time of year again! Birds are chirping, buds are budding, bunnies are hopping and Mrs. Lewis' class is receiving our Flat Stanley projects in the mail! Is there anything better than getting fun things in the mail? And for every one of your students? The fun has begun in room 148! My class makes a "flat" version of themselves then I mail them to family or friends with a booklet to document their adventures. Here's a cute one I've gotten so far...

 This kiddo sent hers to a cousin in Washington state. It turned out so cute! I can't wait to get more!
I also put up a bulletin board mapping where all our "flats" traveled. Once they're all back in Wisconsin I'll post a pic.

Until then... here's the link to my store where you can grab the booklet! Just click the cover image.

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