Thursday, July 24, 2014

Classroom Rules Buntings

I have a confession. I'm obsessed with buntings. Maybe it's because they remind me of parties? In any case, I've got a new product on tpt to fill your bunting fix.

There are 21 different flags with every rule I could think of so you can customize the bunting for your classroom needs. Hudson School District uses "Respectful, Responsible, Safe" so those are the 3 I have displayed in my room.

I felt like my rules were posted randomly in the room and it was difficult to refer to them when I needed to. Since we spend a lot of learning time on the carpet, I wanted something that would fit in the wall space under the Smartboard so I created this!

Right where I need them to be when we are discussing expectations :)

I made two versions: Chalkboard and bright colors. 
 Here is the bright version...
Click on the pics to go to my store. Download the previews to see the all the options for the rule flags and signs.

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