Friday, February 7, 2014

First Friday in February Freebies (Say that 10x fast!)

Here are three of my most recently loved freebies! Two I've found and one I created :) Click on the pictures or link to get it for yourself!

1. How to Paraphrase Anchor Chart
First, here is my latest freebie! We will be beginning our nonfiction writing unit on wild animals at the end of the month. I use this with my 2nd graders to help them write facts in their own words. I always tell them I don't need to see how a professional author would write it, I need to see how YOU would write it!

2. Schedule Cards by Cara Carroll
I get the feeling these are pretty popular (as they should be) but in case you haven't seen them here are a FEW of the huge 45 page pack of schedule cards created by Cara Carroll. LOVE. Her. Work.

3. Picture Direction Cards by A Cupcake for the Teacher
I no longer hear "Mrs. Lewis, do I cut it out first?"!! Ok, maybe occasionally, but then I just point to the board. I have the cards on magnets on my whiteboard and keep the ones we aren't using in a magnetic pocket ($1 at Dollar Tree!) Shout out to A Cupcake for the Teacher. *Adorbs*

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