Saturday, September 21, 2013

Homecoming is coming!

It just seems like there are so many fun things to celebrate in the fall and homecoming is one of them! I was looking at next week's plans and realized it's already Hudson's homecoming. It sneaks up on me every year. That's why I decided to do a little creating this weekend. I made a mini-unit for homecoming that's available on my Tpt store. Click the picture below to check it out!
It mainly consists of a booklet with 6 math/literacy activities including...
*Making words from the word "Homecoming"
*Word search
*Score prediction
*All about our school page
*Digital/analog time matching (to 1/2 hour)
*Coin value matching

But I also decided to throw in...
-6 Vocabulary cards
-Flag craft (great for homecoming parade or cheering at the game)
-My favorite part of homecoming writing prompt

Here's a little sneak peek at the cover of the activity book...

And here's the cute flag craft I included as well! The students decorate it and attach some sort of stick (popsicle stick, straw, dowel etc) so they can wave it. 
I had been debating buying pom poms for the kiddos to use at the homecoming parade, but I just couldn't justify buying 25 sets of pom poms for one day of the year... SO glad I thought of this instead! Much cheaper, plus they can take it home and even bring it to the game if they go! I might just need to make one myself ;)
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